Empowering our communities. Together.
Everyday heroes
“Each day my dad inspires
me to do my part.”
Our Financial Management Associate Michael Borenstein’s father, Dr. Marc Borenstein, has spent over 40 years transforming emergency medicine. He is both a teacher and a physician, having led the creation of six Emergency Medicine residency programs nationwide.
On September 11, 2001, Dr. Borenstein rushed to the World Trade Center and was one of the first to arrive at the scene. Today, at the young age of 70, he continues to work in the Emergency Room providing care - but as importantly, compassion - to patients and colleagues. “My dad never ceases to humble me, and this is especially true now, filling me with gratitude and admiration for all those helping others” shared his proud son Michael. We thank Dr. Borenstein and all the ER doctors, nurses and frontline responders who are caring for us.