We are Grant Thornton

San Francisco, California

Service Experience
  • Tax
  • Transaction advisory

Melanie K. Krygier




Executive summary

Melanie is a Principal, leading our M&A Tax Services practice for the West Region, with more than fourteen years of experience serving public and private multinational companies across multiple industries. Melanie serves as the Private Equity market leader for the Greater Bay Area and is a leader in the firm’s Technology industry team.

Melanie has focused the majority of her experience consulting in the area of mergers & acquisitions. Specifically, Melanie has served on engagements conducting buy-side and sell-side tax due diligence, as well as tax structuring and modeling for clients that are contemplating potential sales/purchases and restructurings. She has also assisted clients in navigating tax-free reorganizations, particularly in connection with SPAC transactions. Her experience also includes managing the tax return compliance process, preparation and review of ASC 740 income tax provisions including income tax uncertainties, and managing federal and state revenue examinations.



  • B.S., Accounting, Michigan State University


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